Let's Talk About Pokemon - Rattata and Raticate

019: Rattata

While Rattata is basically the Pidgey of the earth, Rattata has a little bit more going for it. It's also pretty vanilla, being basically just a rat, but at least it's purple to differentiate it a little bit. It's got a mean demeanor about it, anyway. Appropriate for a Pokemon associated with crooks. It's cute enough, with a fun curly tail to it.

020: Raticate

Raticate is where most of the rattiness comes in. Its fur is a little ruffled, it's got the proper rat tail this time. It certainly accomplishes its goal of being a big and mean rat Pokemon, but it's hardly got much to it beyond its looks other than a potential origin you may not think of it as at first.

Raticate and muskrats have plenty in common. Both are large semi-aquatic rats that are described as good swimmers. That and just look at the two. The resemblance is uncanny. I suppose I wish it were still purple, cause it's otherwise still running into a "little too much like a real animal" problem like Pidgey's line, but it's at least stylized fairly well enough.

Personal Score: 6/10