LP #5: Metroid Dread
Released: 2021 | Platform: Switch
Length: 25 Episodes
First blind run whoa. Remember having a good time with this one!
4 - Glad I don't live in Hot Land
6 - Maybe our Cooking Abilities aren't exactly Perfect
7 - Tra La La. The Waters are Wild Today.
8 - The Time that you will meet her is Fast Approaching
10 - Puzzles Might be fun if you Tried Them
11 - Then what are you Looking For?
13 - Someone has to Take Care of these Flowers
15 - I Couldn't feel my Arms or my Legs
16 - Eventually, I Reached the Ruins
19 - Amalgamate is Striking the Wall with its Claws
20 - Who Needs Arms with Legs like these
22 - Refreshments will be Provided... if you Dare!