Let's Talk About Pokemon - Intro
Howdy! If you're new and don't know me well, I'm Vixi, and I have a love for monster design, chief among them being the Pokemon series. So a while back, inspired by Bogleech, I saw to it that I was going to review and analyze the design of every single Pokemon and each of their major forms in order to lay out my thoughts on them all and maybe fall in love with a couple on the way. The "Let's Talk About Pokemon" series wrapped up some time ago, and in light finding out how to Neocities, I'm rebooting the project here.

Pokemon, as you can imagine, is a series that's a pretty big deal to me. I've grown up with it more or less since the beginning, and it's pretty much always been there as something I always come back to for either inspiration or just a pleasant game to play every now and then. Pokemon's a HUGE reason I'm so into art to begin with! Let alone be so in love with the oft under-appreciated art of monster design. Hence why one Bogleech inspired the idea, I thought I should also turn my love for monster design and do my best to show my appreciation for it.
This review series will be a lot like Bogleech's; going through each Pokemon, evolutionary line by line, and giving a paragraph or more of my thoughts on each of their designs. I'll chop through them in National Dex order for the most part. Mega Evolutions will be covered as I get to a Pokemon that Mega Evolves, regional variants will be covered right before the region they're from, and Gigantamax forms will come before Gen 8, just because the series wrapped up the first time before Gen 8 so it's hard to have them already in my reviews. And of course, I'll cap them off with a score at the end out of 10.
If you're reading this and you already know me, hi again! Again! This Neocities site WON'T be replacing Blogspot, it's just going to better serve as a hub as I'm starting to branch out into reviewing more mediums than just monsters. And furthermore, I'll be updating a lot of the reviews. Namely the ones where my opinion on a Pokemon has changed over time.
And of course, a lot of this will be having to slowly chop away at reviews I've already written to get them up on here over time. There's 530 of them, so even if I uploaded one a day, it'd take a while.