Let's Talk About Pokemon!

Let's Talk About Pokemon - Meowth and Persian

TCG Art illustration credit: Kanako Eo, Naoki Saito

Meowth! Trans rights!

052: Meowth

Another of the Pokemon that became a secondary face of the franchise, Meowth is the first of many cat Pokemon that the series will see. Meowth's another one that's just not in my taste of Pokemon these days, but I'd be lying if I said that was the same case as a kid. Though I don't think I liked Meowth so much as I like Team Rocket's Meowth in particular. That Meowth more than proved the charm of its kin, for being one of the most memorable Pokemon in the anime. And one of the rare few that remained a core character to even today.

If you know Japanese culture even on a surface level, you likely know what the Maneki-neko, or the Beckoning Cat is. Meowth is unsubtly meant to bring that to mind, between the coin on its head and the "Like... y'know, nya" pose its always in. And back in the Gen 1 days, the move Pay Day was a signature move of Meowth's, too. Certainly a fun basis for a Pokemon!

Personal Score: 6.5/10

Not right!

053: Persian

I'm sorry though, Persian fans. This one is the first Pokemon I'm gonna be really dunking on. Meowth is a fun design that has criminally wasted potential with its evolution. It seemed so obvious to play up the snobby, rich, "evil" cat angle, but instead we get... nothing. A nothing cat. Yes, there's the gem on its head, but it's so underplayed and pathetically weak it might as well not be there. It's about as regular an anime cat as you can get. Pidgey may be bland but it's still memorable. I very often forget about Persian, and it's not a great feeling I get when I do remember it.

Even the name's awful. Not even some silly pun like Purrsian? That one was staring you right in the face! Jeez. It's like they threw a dart at a board full of random cat breed names and it just happened to land on Persian. 'Cause it sure as hell doesn't look like any persian I've ever seen.

I tend to harp on these Pokemon that squander good potential more than Pokemon that are just outright boring. Had Persian been on its own with no Meowth in sight, it'd probably just get my 4/10 "meh" score and be done with it. But the fact that Meowth is there to prove Persian could've been far better is why it ultimately gets docked a couple numbers for me. The makings of something neat or unique are there but the execution just doesn't take that opportunity. ESPECIALLY evident these days where we have not just one but TWO far more interesting alternatives to it with boatloads more personality to them.

Personal Score: 2/10

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