Let's Talk About Pokemon - Zubat and Golbat

041: Zubat

It's almost a shame Zubat's got the reputation it has, because it's not a half-bad bat (half-bat) in terms of looks. It's got an odd charm as an awkward, winged, cave gremlin. Like some bizarre, obscure cryptid. And of course, I like me some blue and purple. That and I just love bats. Halloween is 2000% my kind of aesthetic and the bat is just a classic Halloween critter that you can't go wrong with. You'd have to actively try to make a bat look bad. I do like how its face is entirely mouth, really makes it feel like a true creature that's never grown outside of caves.
The only thing I can really poke at that's "wrong" with Zubat is its double tails being in place of legs. They just look like floppy tails and it makes me wonder how exactly does it hang from ceilings? Or walk? Or anything? Not necessarily that I think Zubat should be more conventional in how it looks, but them being there just brings up weird questions in my head like that, and I probably would've bought it better had they not been there at all.

Personal Score: 7.5/10

042: Golbat

Golbat's striking, as far as evolutions to uber-common Pokemon go. It loses some of its uniqueness, but it does pick up a rather unusual shape. I just wished it played off of Zubat's strengths more. We did get some bats with crazy ears later on, but I think Golbat could've easily had some ears equally as big as Zubat's. Those ears are just kinda weak. I just wish it didn't have eyes, mostly. Having them there doesn't wreck it, but that's definitely taking something unique away from Zubat.
Its feet are better at least. Again, my first solution would've been to remove them entirely, but I like the weird nubby chameleon feet it has.

Personal Score: 7/10

Yes this score distinction is important. To me.