Let's Talk About Pokemon - Clefairy and Clefable

035: Clefairy

I'm sure I'm not the only one that's wondered what Pokemon would be like these days if they didn't change their mind about who should be Ash's companion Pokemon. Clefairy didn't even get to be much of a "secondary mascot" like Luigi or anything, it's just sort of sitting in Gen 1, being partly forgotten about and only referenced every now and then.
I said it earlier, but I do like Clefairy a little more than Pikachu. Its brand of overly cutesy is just a bit more up my - or rather, Zoey's - alley. And I appreciated it that little bit more once the Fairy type rolled around for it. It's funny how they framed the Fairy type like it was something they "discovered", as if the typing rules for a bunch of Pokemon didn't just change along with its introduction. I would've liked something a little weirder since we have the descriptor of "alien from the moon" for this thing, but since it's more like a FAIRY from the moon, yeah. It suits those kiddie fairy tale vibes just fine.

036: Clefable

I can take or leave when something's evolution is mostly "the creature from before but a little bit bigger". Clefable's fine enough, but with it being just like Clefairy for the most part, I can't really say anything all the different about it. I like the additions that are there, namely the wings. I also like its comically tiny face. It is nice how, despite these two being created far before Fairy type ever became a thing, they do retroactively make for a good introductory Pokemon to the concept of the Fairy type, the same way Machop and Abra are kind of the "introductory" Pokemon for the Fighting and Psychic type.

Personal Score: 6.5/10