Let's Talk About Pokemon - Ekans and Arbok

023: Ekans

This is where things start to pick up. Ekans here is a more proper introduction to the Poison-type than the Bulbasaur line is. And while it pretty much is just a snake, it's got a lot of charm to it. I think Ekans is the only snake Pokemon to outright have a proper snake eye. I can really see why people like it if they're snake lovers too. I especially like the color scheme, being purple with yellow accents. And its funny, toothless face is oddly adorable!

024: Arbok

Arbok is pretty cool. It loses the unique snake eyes, sadly, but I really like the mean hood-face as Arbok's version of an actual cobra's hood markings. It's a bit of a shame its colors are more muted then, and it loses most of the yellow. You'd think Arbok would be pretty saturated looking, since isn't bright and colorful animal for "Yo back off I'm venomous"?
I generally don't think it's quite as charming as Ekans, but it's a cool stylized cobra nonetheless. Both aren't terribly exciting, but they're certainly a step above the common riff-raff we've covered thus far. Possibly just because they're snakes, and it's hard to say no to even a competent snake design.

Personal Score: 6.5/10