Let's Talk About Pokemon - The Caterpie Family

010: Caterpie

Caterpie is a sweet little Pokemon just by itself. There isn't a ton to say about Caterpie, it being the beginning of these early Bug types. Which of course is fine, better to start off with designs that are easier to grasp before getting into the nitty gritty of what Pokemon has to offer.
I've said earlier that Gen 1 Pokemon are pretty ambiguous with what kind of animal they are. Caterpie here almost goes too far in the opposite direction. It pretty much is a Pokemonized Asian Swallowtail, coloration and inclusion of its "horns" and all. The horns always seem to be there on Caterpie as opposed to being retractable like on the actual animal. The only thing that really stirs it up is that the Swallowtail's fake eyes are Caterpie's actual eyes.

011: Metapod

While Metapod itself still hasn't wowed me in any way, I like that it along with the Weedle line sets the example for what Evolution is like in the world of Pokemon. This line becomes fully evolved basically within 15 minutes of getting them super early in the game, and the transition from caterpillar to pupae to butterfly is about the perfect way to introduce the concept of Pokemon evolving. And I can appreciate that much.

But the design itself leaves a bit to be desired. It's a cool cocoon Pokemon, but it's pretty much straight-lifted from its real-life counterpart just like Caterpie. It's fine for one of these early-on Pokemon, especially for the debut game, but I still think it leans a tiny smidge on being derivative. That said, I think Metapod's overall vibe is cute. The sleepy face it always has is adorable.

012: Butterfree

Finally, the line is finished off with Butterfree. This is one I kinda like, but still don't have a ton to say about it. I dig its color scheme, and it's one of few Bug types that actually has fully fledged bug-eyes. That's fair enough. As you'd expect by now, the wings take after the Asian swallowtail. But it's not as lifted as Caterpie or Metapod. It is at the very least fairly unique as far as simple, cartoon butterflies go. I like its nubby little barely-arms and the super-simplified bug face.

Personal Score: 6/10