As they described the scene, the road ahead of me somehow split in two. One with a faint glimmer at the end, and the other just continued into the darkness. I'd rather go into the night with my friends, I guess?
And to reach your destination, would you take the long road and meet the most people, see the most sights? Or would you take the short road, to get there as quickly as possible?
The road ahead of me changed again, having one road go on ahead of me while the other trailed off into a bunch of other roads. Long road it is, I guess... what is with all this?
Why do you talk like that? Describing what you see ahead of you?
Erm, it's my thoughts? That's just how I process things.
Odd. Well, what do you feel has power over us all? Where do people get their drive to live from?
Odd? YOU'RE the one invading MY thoughts. But, whatever. Still kind of a weighted question... I don't know, actually... why so serious all the sudden?
It feels strange. To have experiences thrust onto me all of the sudden. They feel like they belong to me, yet they're not ones I have had. Like they are rightfully someone else's.
Should I... help with that? Before they could respond again, there was suddenly another circle of garden around me, under my feet before I noticed, somehow. It looked like the end of this particular road.